

+ What are carriable animals on flights of OZ?

Hand baggage

- Types of Carriable Animals: Limited to dogs, cats and birds
- Number of Carriable Animals: one pet per adult passenger
+ How pets can be transported as hand baggage OZ Airlines?

Hand baggage

- When the weight of a pet including the cage is less than 5kg
- Allowed when the sum of width, depth and height of the cage is no greater than 115cm and the height is 21cm or shorter (Up to 25cm for soft cases)
- One cage per passenger, one pet per cage only (Exceptions: two puppies under six months, two kittens under six months, a mother and a baby pet and a pair of birds)
- Pets should be kept in cages and should not be taken out during a flight for safety purposes.
+ When carriage of animals is restricted on Asiana Airways?

Hand baggage

- Please check whether carrying of animals is restricted at your destination.
- Pets under 8 weeks or those have taken sedatives and sleeping pills cannot be transported.
- Pets that are pregnant, have odor problems or are Vicious dogs, raptors cannot be transported.
- Transportation of pets as checked baggage may be restricted in cold weather for the health and safety of pets.
- Codeshare flights exploited by Air Busan are not exploited by Asiana Airlines. Please understand that pets cannot be transported as checked baggage on codeshare flights.
- The health and safety of short-nosed dogs can be affected when they are exposed to stresses and hot weather. Transportation of short-nosed dogs as checked baggage is restricted from July 1 to September 30.
+ Can I purchase extra seat for excess baggage on flights of Asiana Airlines?

Excess baggage

An extra seat must be purchased to carry on the following items:

Large musical instruments for which the sum of their length, width, and depth larger than 115cm, including cellos, gayageum, geomungo and guitars can be safely transported as carry-on baggage when you buy an extra seat.
+ What is Asiana Airlines excess baggage charge on international flights from/to Americas?

Excess baggage

Excess baggage charge for flights from/to Americas:

- Incheon from/to Los Angeles/ Seattle/ San Francisco/ New York/ Chicago/ Honolulu: 200 KRW/ USD per piece of baggage exceeding 23kg/50lb
- Incheon from/to Saipan: 100 KRW/ USD per piece of baggage exceeding 23kg/50lb

When the baggage weighs between 23kg and 32kg per piece, the excess baggage charge of KRW 100,000 and USD 100 is applied to flights departing from Korea and flights departing from the US, respectively.

When the total dimensions of the baggage greater than 158cm and does not exceed 203cm, the excess baggage charge of KRW 200,000 and USD 200 is applied to flights departing from Korea and flights departing from the US, respectively.

For transfers to flights exploited by other airlines than the above sections, please make inquiries at the check-in counter.
+ What are OZ Airlines excess baggage fee for non-American routes?

Excess baggage

Zone 1: Korea, Japan
Zone 2: China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Far East Russia
Zone 3: South East Asia, Southwest Asia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan
Zone 4: Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania

Excess baggage charges for non-American routes are:
- Within Zone 1: departure from Korea: KRW5000, others: USD16
- From Zone 1 to Zone 2: departure from Korea: KRW7000, others: USD16
- From Zone 1 to Zone 3: departure from Korea: KRW13000, others: USD20
- From Zone 1 to Zone 4: departure from Korea: KRW40000, others: USD45
- Within Zone 2: USD20
- From Zone 2 to Zone 1: departure from Korea: KRW7000, others: USD16
- From Zone 2 to Zone 3: USD25
- From Zone 2 to Zone 4: USD50
- Within Zone 3: USD40
- From Zone 3 to Zone 1: departure from Korea: KRW13000, others: USD20
- From Zone 3 to Zone 2: USD25
- From Zone 3 to Zone 4: USD55
- Within Zone 4: USD60
- From Zone 4 to Zone 1: departure from Korea: KRW40000, others: USD45
- From Zone 4 to Zone 2: USD50
- From Zone 4 to Zone 3: USD55
+ How is OZ airlines excess baggage fee regulated on non-American routes?

Excess baggage

- Golf equipment not exceed the free baggage allowance is transported without free.
- When the free baggage allowance is exceeded, the lower amount between the excess baggage charge for the following payment method and the regular excess baggage charge for the weight more than the free baggage allowance is applied.
- Extra Charge Collection System:
+ When golf equipment weighs 15kg or less, the excess baggage charge for 6kg is applied.
+ When golf equipment is more than 15kg, the weight of up to 15kg is calculated as 6kg, and the weight exceeding 15kg is summed up with the 6kg of the above to calculate the excess baggage charge.
+ What is fare for transporting surfboarding equipment on flights of OZ Airways to/from Americas?

Excess baggage

Snow / Water Skiing, Snowboarding and Surfboarding Equipment transported on Asiana routes from/to Americas will be calculated as below:
- When the total weight of baggage including the equipment is no more than the free baggage allowance, no extra charges are applied.
- When the free baggage allowance is exceeded, the excess baggage charge per piece is applied.
- No fee will be charged for baggage that exceeds the size limit.
- But baggage that is more than the weight limit of 23 kg will be charged an excess weight fee.
+ How is fee for transporting surfboarding equipment on Asiana non-American routes?

Excess baggage

For Snow / Water Skiing, Snowboarding and Surfboarding Equipment:
- You will have no extra baggage transportation fee to pay when the total weight of your baggage, including ski equipment, does not exceed the free baggage allowance.
- When the free baggage allowance is exceeded, you will be charged either the excess baggage charge calculated according to the following Extra Charge System, or the regular excess baggage charge applied to the weight more than the free baggage allowance, whichever is lower.
- Extra Charge System
+ For ski equipment weighing 12kg or less, the regular excess baggage charge for 3kg over is applied.
+ For ski equipment over 12kg, the weight up to 12kg is calculated as 3kg over, and the weight over 12kg is added to the 3kg to calculate the total excess baggage charge.
+ What are fares for transporting Windsurfing Equipment on aircraft of OZ Airlines on Americas routes?

Excess baggage

- When the total weight of baggage including the wind surfing equipment is less than the free baggage allowance, no extra charges are applied.
- When the free baggage allowance is exceeded, the excess baggage charge per piece is applied.
- No fee will be charged for baggage that exceeds the size limit.
- When the equipment exceeds 23kg, an excess baggage charge is applied.

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