

+ Do I have to pay charge to get refund for Aeroflot tickets of Premium Economy fare?


No. Passengers are allowed to get refund from SU Airline if refund made before/after the end of checked-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket without charge.
+ Can I get refund Aeroflot ticket of Optimum Economy?


Yes. Passengers can only cancel and get refund if request is made before the end of check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket with additional charge:
- 50 EUR/50 USD for international short-haul flights, except flights departing from Japan;
- 100 EUR/100 USD for international long-haul flights, flights between points of origin in the Asian part of the Russian Federation and destinations in Southeast Asia and the United States (excluding flights through the European part of the Russian Federation), except flights departing from Japan;
- 1,500 RUB for flights within the European part of the Russian Federation (zone A);
- 2,500 RUB for flights between points of origin in the European part of the Russian Federation (zone A) and other destinations of the Russian Federation (zone B), as well as between points in zone B;
- 15,000 JPY for all flights departing from Japan.
Note: Zone A - the European part of the Russian Federation; Zone B – all the other points in the Russian Federation
+ Can I get refund from SU Airlines for Budget Economy fare?


Budget Economy fare does not allow passenger to get refund made before/after the end of check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket.
+ Is it possible to get refund for Promo Economy farebefore the end of check-in time for Aeroflot flights?


No. Promo Economy fares are not allowed to get refund before/after the end of check-in time ro the flight shown on the ticket.
+ Can I get refund for Youth Fares of Aeroflot Airlines?


Yes. Passengers can only cancel and get refund if request is made before the end of check-in time for the flight indicated on the ticket with additional charge:
- 50 EUR/50 USD for international short-haul flights, except flights departing from Japan;
- 100 EUR/100 USD for international long-haul flights, flights between points of origin in the Asian part of the Russian Federation and destinations in Southeast Asia and the United States (excluding flights through the European part of the Russian Federation), except flights departing from Japan;
- 1,500 RUB for flights within the European part of the Russian Federation (zone A);
- 2,500 RUB for flights between points of origin in the European part of the Russian Federation (zone A) and other destinations of the Russian Federation (zone B), as well as between points in zone B;
- 15,000 JPY for all flights departing from Japan.
Note: Zone A - the European part of the Russian Federation; Zone B – all the other points in the Russian Federation
+ Which Aeroflot fares are allowed to refund?


There some kinds of SU airfares allowed for refunding: Premium Business,Optimum Business, Premium Comfort, Optimum Economy, Premium Economy, and Youth Fares. Each type of fare charges different fees, depending on fare rules.
+ How much do I have to pay for refund charge on SU flights between European countries and Russia?


In routes between points of origin in the European part of the Russian Federation and other destinations of the Russian Federation, as well as between points indestinations of the Russian Federation, passenger has to pay 2,500 RUB for refund charge.
+ What are advantages of check-in Aeroflot online?

Web check in

There are some benefits of checking in online Aeroflot flights:
- Passengers can check in wherever they want with an Internet connection
- Passengers can check-in 24 hours before departure, the service is available 45 minutes before departure
- Passengers can select preferred seat.
- Passengers can print out their own boarding pass, and go directly to boarding gate, not drop by check-in counters.
+ Is it possible for me to check in online Aeroflot in all routes?

Web check in

You can check yourself in for any Aeroflot flight out of Moscow or from the airports where Aeroflot has the own system for check-in.
+ Can I reprint my Aeroflot boarding pass if the paper jam occured?

Web check in

Yes. Customers can use a "REPRINT" function. To do that customers have to start the procedure from the beginning and choose "reprint".

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