

+ How can I protect myself against malaria before flights of France Airlines?

Special orders

To protect yourself against malaria before and after flight, you should:
- avoid mosquito bites
- take preventive medication suited to your destination and your health. Your drug must be prescribed by doctor. You will take them severdays before your departure, during your stay, and 1-4 weeks after coming back. Yet, it also depends on the drug used.
+ How can I avoid jetlag during flights of France Airways?

Special orders

Passengers can reduce jetlag by taking the following tips:

Before departing: change your habit of sleeping several days before departure. If you will travel to the east, go to sleep earlier; if traveling to the west, do not go to sleep early. Do not take sleeping pills.

During flight: adjust your watch to the local time, adapt meal during flight, drink more water, Avoid alcohol, soda, tea, and coffee

After landing, adjust to the new time zone, stay awake, do exercise, having meal according to local time.
+ When does France Air require a medical authorization to allow me to travel?

Special orders

Air France will require passengers to have medical authorization if:
- They are undergoing medical treatment,
- They have chronic illness,
- They have recently been hospitalized,
- They are pregnant.
+ Is it possible for me to book additional seat next to me on plane of France Airline?

Special orders

Yes. You can purchase a second seat in case you are passengers with a high body mass. You will have to pay 75% of airfare for the second seat.
+ Will AirFrance transport of human remains?

Special orders

Yes. However, the transportation must be handled by a funeral service. The funeral service will organize the transport and contact the relevant authorities to obtain all required authorizations. Thus, passengers should contact the Air France funeral service for more detail.
+ Who can use the Air France lounges?

Special orders

All passengers on flights of Air France, KLM, and SkyTeamcan access to Air France lounges, if they meet one of the following criteria:
- Travel in Air France La Première or Business, or as a Sky Team Business Traveler on an international flight,
- Be a Flying Blue Gold or Platinum member, SkyTeam Elite Plus member or Club 2000 member
+ What does Air France have assistance for hearing and sight-impaired passengers?

Special orders

Passengers should inform the booking staff when purchasing Air France tickets about disability and special needs at least 48 hours before departure. After check-in, passengers will be taken to the departure lounge, and then to board the aircraft before other passengers.
+ Does France Airline allow me to travel with my leg in a cast?

Special orders

Yes. Passengers are allowed to to keep their leg outstretched during the flight. There are some options provided:
- On a short- or medium-haul flight, passengers can travel in the Economy cabin in a window seat with the seat directly in front of their folded down for extra space (reserve one seat + one additional seat)
- On a long-haul flight, passengers can travel in the Affaires cabin and we provide you with a leg rest. Yet, there are some conditions as follows:
- Passengers must also have a medical certificate;
- Passengers cannot book Economy class
- Passengers may be required that they are accompanied
+ What are Air France services of assistance for passengers with special needs?

Special orders

The airline provides a wide range of services of assistane under the Saphir brand for passengers with disabilities due to a handicap, due to age, or due to an illness. In addition, the flight attendants are responsible for staying informed of passengers’ situation and appropriately identifyingtheir assistance needs.
+ Is it possible if i travel with a wheelchair on flight of France Airways?

Special orders

Yes. There are three possibilities for you if you want to travel with a wheelchair on Air France:
- check your wheelchair as baggage at the check-in desk,
- check your wheelchair when you board the plane,
- take it with you in the cabin.

Passengers need to request this service when making reservation. The service provided also depends on the airport infrastructures, the size of your wheelchair, and the type of aircraft.

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