

+ What are other meals in Cambodia Angkor Air flights?

Special orders

Other meals are provided by Cambodia Angkor Air as Fruit Platter Meal, Vegeterian raw Meal and Seafood Meal.

Fruit Platter Meal (FPML) is often for passengers who suffer from jet lag or is on diet or an Indian religious sect has fruit in one year period. The food is advised to avoid as seafood, meats, eggs, dairy products, gelatin, and lard. It is advised to use fresh or dried fruits, jam, nuts.

Vegeterian raw Meal (RVML) is often for passengers who suffer from jet lag or is on diet. The food is advised to avoid as eggs, meats, sea food, lard, dairy products, gelatin and it is advised to use mainly fresh vegetables, nuts, and vegetable salad.

Seafood Meal (SFML) is for passengers who are love fish and seafood. Food to avoid including meats, fat and the food should use as fish, seafood as main component of meal.
+ Can I know the regulation about accompanied passenger with Infant of Cambodia Angkor Air?


Cambodia Angkor Air has regulation as follows:

- Cambodia Angkor Air does not accept for Infants carriage under 14 days of age, premature or unhealthy infant (let alone infant feeding in oxygen tent).
- Cambodia Angkor Air does not accept for Infant carriage as Unaccompanied Minor (UM).
Infant in healthy condition shall be accepted for carriage in case it is provided that he/she is accompanied by his/her parent or authorized.
- Each adult is only allowed to carry with 01 infant

If an adult escorts two infants, it is regulated as follows:
- From the second infant, each infant will be charged an applicable children fare and must be surely required assistant service from cabin crew.
- The request for accompanied cabin crew service must be completed at least 3 days before estimated departure time for domestic flights and at least 5 days for international flights.

Premature and/or unhealthy infant (except infant feeding in oxygen tent) will be regulated as follows:
- All of the procedures have to be completed the same as MEDA passenger
- Must be accompanied by nurse or doctor who specializes in pediatrics.
- The total infants are accepted for carriage on a flight, not exceeded 10% capacity of seat.
+ Can I know regulation about accompanied passenger with Infant and Children of Cambodia Angkor Air?

Special orders

According to the regulation of Cambodia Angkor Air, an adult is allowed to travel with Infant (INF) and Children (CHD) as follows:

- 2 children of 2-6 years old
- 01 Infant and 02 children under 6 years old and will be charged an applicable ticket fare for accompanied service of cabin crew for 01 Children between 2 Children above.
- 02 Infant and 01 Children under 6 years old and will be charged an applicable ticket fare for accompanied service of cabin crew for 01 Infant between 2 Infant above.
- 02 Infant and 02 Infant under 6 years old and will be charged an applicable ticket fare for accompanied service of 02 cabin crew for 01 infant and 01 Children between 2 Infant and 02 Children above.

The request for accompanied cabin crew service must be completed at least 3 days before estimated departure time for domestic flights and at least 5 days for international flights.
+ What are the carriage conditions for service Cambodia Angkor Air Unaccompanied Minor (UM)?

Special orders

The conditions of carriage for unaccompanied Minor (UM) aged from 2 to less than 4 years as follows:
- Each unaccompanied minor must be accompanied by one cabin crew.
- Service request of unaccompanied minor must be made 3 days before estimated departure time for domestic flights and 5 days for international flights to and from.
- Accepted only on Economy class of Cambodia Angkor Air.

The conditions of carriage for unaccompanied Minor (UM) aged between 4 and less than 6 years old as follows:
- One cabin crew is only allowed to accompany a group of maximum 2 UM. This is the requirement for accompanying cabin crew service.
- Service request for unaccompanied Minor (UM) must be made at least 5 days before estimated departure time for international flights and at least 3 days for domestic flights.
- Accepted only on Economy class of Cambodia Angkor Air.

The conditions of carriage for unaccompanied Minor (UM) aged between 6 and less 15 years old as follows:
- Unaccompanied Minor could fly alone without assistant service of cabin crew.
- Unaccompanied Minor service must be requested at least 24 hours before estimateddeparture time.
- Unaccompanied Minormay be accepted on Business class, Deluxe Economy class, and Economy class. The total Unaccompanied Minors are accepted to carry on Business class must not exceed 10% capacity of business seat on each flight (round number up applied).

+ Does Cambodia Angkor Airlines accept to carry Pregnant Passenger?

Special orders

Conditions for pregnant passenger acceptance of Cambodia Angkor Air as follows:

Prior request is recommended for this service.

Pregnant Passenger in period of 7 days prior or after due date is not accepted to carry.

Pregnant passenger must have medical clearance of doctor or nurse prior to estimated departure time (MEDA passenger) if she is in the following status:
- Pregnant passenger for more than 32 weeks or
- Uncertain time being pregnant or the bearing time or
- Previous time was born twin, triplet children or
- Some difficulties can be arisen when bearing or
- Pregnant by artificial insemination method: in this case the passenger must surely have medical clearance prior to the time of departure in the hospital where the artificial insemination method has been made and controlled or in the other medical centers accepted by Cambodia Angkor Air.
+ What are the requirements and conditions of Cambodia Angkor Air flights for passengers with disabilities?

Special orders

Disabled or medical passenger has difficulties to walk or move about on their own, Cambodia Angkor Air assists Wheelchair service (WCHR/WCHS/WCHC) for including:

Wheel-chair for Ramp (WCHR): Passenger can ascend/descend steps and make own way to/from cabin seat, but requires wheelchair for distance to/from aircraft across ramp.

Wheelchair for Steps (WCHS): Passenger cannot ascend/descend steps, but is able to move to/from cabin seat. Requires wheelchair for distance to/from aircraft and must be carried up/down the steps.

Wheelchair for Cabin (WCHC): passenger is completely immobile. He requires wheelchair to/from aircraft and must be carried up/down steps and to/from cabin seat. (This device is accompanied to individual aircraft).

Conditions for acceptance:
- WCHR: Prior request is recommended and not limited.
- WCHS: 24 hours notice is required. Accompanied WCHS is not limited. The maximum number of unaccompanied WCHS passengers allowed per flight is not more than the number of main emergency exit of individual aircraft.
- WCHC: 24 hours notice is required. The maximum number of accompanied WCHC passengers allowed per flight is not more than the number of main emergency exit of individual aircraft. The maximum number of unaccompanied WCHC passengers allowed per flight is not more than half the number of main emergency exit of individual aircraft.

+ Does Cambodia Angkor Airways accept Extra seat for passenger?

Special orders

Yes, Extra seat service (EXST) offers oversized passenger who needs to have 2 adjacent seats onboard in the same flight.

The conditions to accept Extra seat for passenger as follows:
- 24 hours’ notice is required and not limited.
- Extra seat for passenger is required to reserve in the same class.
- Passenger requires Extra seat which is offered free baggage allowance according to the seat he booked prior to that. (For e.g., if passenger books extra seat, he/she will get 2 free baggage allowance).
+ What does Cambodia Air-conditions accept for MEDA Passenger?

Special orders

These are conditions for acceptance with MEDA Passenger:
- It is required to notice prior to 24 hours.
- It is required to be booked extra seat in same class in one flight.
- Unaccompanied LEGB passenger is not accepted for flying.
- LEGL/LEGR/LEGB passenger are allowed on a flight with the maximum number is not more than half the number of main emergency exits.
+ Does Cambodia Angkokair provide Oxygen service for MEDA passenger?

Special orders

Yes, Oxygen services on board (OXYG) will provide oxygen for MEDA passenger during the flight according to the request of medical center appointed by Cambodia Angkor Air.

Some conditions for acceptance as follows:
- OXYG request must be made at least 72 hours before estimated departure time.
- OXYG passenger need complete medical clearance before departure time (according to MEDA form).
- An escort must accompany with OXYG passenger. Nurse or Doctor are preferable.
- Space is suitable and available in aircraft for installing OXYG equipment. The amount of space for installing OXYG is subject to individual airplane.
- Not more than 01 OXYG passenger is accepted to carrying Economy class in one flight.
+ As Cambodia Angkor Air services, need Meda passenger bring medicine and other medical treatment tools?

Special orders

Yes, MEDA passenger must bring all necessary medicine and other medical treatment tools when flying. If passenger needs to carry and use these tools (spray is excluded) on flight, he must inform and is accepted by Cambodia Angkor Air.

MEDA passenger with sugar urinates or MEDA need to use injection needle in flight as suggested by doctor and carry injection needle on board should be made as the following instructions:

MEDA passenger must meet acceptance requirementsL
- Applicable only for medium and long flight from 2 hours 30 minutes as scheduled time.
- Passenger is not allowed to carry injection needle include or not medical liquid on board.
- Injection needle must be in sealed condition and checked by authority at the airport.
- MED should use Injection needle, accompanying MEDA or doctor/nurse.
- Do all as the instruction of Cambodia Angkor Air staff.

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