
Trip cancellation protection program

Tue, 31 Mar 2020. Last updated Wed, 08 Apr 2020 20:23

There are many reasons making passengers can't take their trips. Even though the reasons from airlines or passengers, you need to prepare some infomations about Trip cancellation protection program. Which case will be refunded? What are required evidences that you must prepare for refund applications? The answer will be cleared as below content.

Trip Cancellation Protection Program would enable you to apply for a 100% refund (including air ticket value, ancillaries and payment fee) on any bookings in unforeseen or emergency circumstances beyond your control. If your air ticket is non-refundable, you still get a 100%  refund. If it is refundable, you get a 100% refund plus 1 refund of air ticket from the airline (after deducting the cancellation fee) as well. 

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The Programme is covered by Tokio Marine HCC, Swiss Re and Chubb, our A - world rated Insurance Providers. They refund you directly.

What will we refund?

Evidence required

Illness * (Physical & Mental) / Injury* 

An Illness or accidental Injury to You or a member of Your Immediate Family. We will also refund the cost of the Doctor’s note on valid Refund Application.

Doctor’s note or Medical Certificate confirming the illness or injury occurred prior to the date of the Booked Trip.

Pre-existing Medical Condition*

A pre-existing medical condition that You were aware of at the time You made the Booking that would not normally preclude You from participation and use of the Booking.

Doctor’s note or Medical Certificate dated prior to the date of the Booked Trip.

Pregnancy Complication*

A complication of pregnancy You were unaware of at the time of the Booking and which results in You being unable to use, participate in or attend at the Booked Trip.

Doctor’s note or Medical Certificate

Death* (including Suicide)

Your death any time prior to the Booked Trip or the death of an Immediate Family member or any person(s) in the Group due to attend the event with you, only up to 4 weeks prior to the date of the Booked Trip.

A death certificate. 

Public Transport Failure

Unexpected disruption or failure of the public transport network which You could not have reasonably been aware of before the date of the Booked Trip.

A copy of the notice of failure or disruption of the public transport. (This can normally be obtained from the transport company’s website).

Scheduled Airline Failure

The cancellation of flight(s) from your local area to a main or larger airport to get another flight to your destination which You were unaware of before the date of the Booked Trip.

A copy of Your airline ticket and notice of cancellation from the airline.

Mechanical Breakdown

In the 24 hours prior to the Booked Trip, the mechanical breakdown, accident, fire or theft of a vehicle taking You to the Booked Trip.

Breakdown - A copy of the call out note from Your breakdown recovery service, (for example the RAC, AA, Green Flag).

Accident - An accident report from the Police or relevant traffic authority.

Fire - A report from the fire service and/or, the Police.

Theft - A record including a crime reference number from the Police and evidence from the submission of a claim to Your motor insurance company.

Jury Service

A summons for You to attend Jury Service which takes place over the date of the Booked Trip of which You were unaware at the time of making the Booking.

A copy of the letter /Summons requiring Jury Service.

Court Summons

You are summoned to appear as a witness in court proceedings on the day of the Booked Trip of which You were unaware of the time of making the Booking.

A copy of the Court Summons.

Home Emergency

A Burglary, Fire, Malicious Damage/Vandalism or Flood at Your private residence up to 48 hours immediately before the Booked Trip.

Burglary, Flood, Malicious Damage - A record including a crime reference number from the Police or evidence from the submission of a claim to Your home insurance company.

Fire - A report from the fire service and/or police.

Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall

You as a member of the Armed Forces, Reserve Armed Forces or Emergency Services are recalled to work or duty on the date of the Booked Trip or are posted overseas and as a result cannot attend the Booked Trip.

A note from the Your Commanding Officer or Line Manager to confirm being called into work or duty and that this was not Your originally scheduled shift(s).

Adverse Weather

Weather where a Government Agency has issued warnings not to travel which entirely prevents You attending or reaching the Booked Trip.

A copy of the travel warning from the Government Agency.

Confirmation of the relevant road closures.

Relocated for Work

A requirement to move address imposed on You by Your employer, unknown to You at the date of Booking. The move may be temporary or permanent and must be more than 100 miles from Your home address on the date of Booking.

A letter from the Your current employer confirming the relocation.

Theft of Ticket(s)

The theft of a physical ticket for the Booked Trip in 24 hours before the Booked Trip which cannot be replaced by the ticketing company/event organiser.

A police report or crime number to confirm the theft of the tickets.

An email from the ticketing company/event organiser /confirming they are unable to replace/re-issue the tickets.

Government Travel Ban

The government of Your country of residence issuing a public travel ban to the country or area where the Booked Trip is scheduled to take place in the preceding 7 days before the Trip  

Evidence from Your national government website confirming the travel ban to the country or area where the Booked Trip is located.


You are unexpectedly made compulsorily redundant by Your employer.

A letter of compulsory redundancy from Your employer.

Changes to Examination Dates

The unforeseen change of the date of an examination for a course on which You are registered to the day(s) of the Booked Trip.

A copy of a notice from the examination body, school, college, university evidencing, the date of the examination has been changed.

Emergency Circumstances  

An unforeseen circumstance completely outside Your control and of no fault of Yours. The decision to refund is entirely at the discretion of Refund Protect as our administrator. They will consider these circumstances and have no obligation whatsoever to provide a refund.

Any evidence requested by Refund Protect to verify the emergency circumstances.

(*) Also applicable to immediate family members, including Grandparents.

AloTrip is a member of Refund Protect. If you are unable to attend your booking due to above circumstances you are entitled to a refund at:

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