

+ Is an Infant entitled to any Qatar baggage allowance?

Hand baggage

Yes, infant fares are entitled to a checked and hand baggage allowance of:
- Hand baggage: Infants of all classes allow to bring one piece, weighting less than 10kg (22lb) or 50x37x25cm.
- Checked baggage: Infants of all classes in flights to and from Argentina, Canada, and the USA can bring one piece, not to exceed 23kg (50lb), in flights to and from Brazil can bring One piece, not to exceed 32kg (70lb), in flights to and from all other destinations can bring 10kg (22lb) not to exceed a maximum dimension of 115 cm.
+ I can bring my pet my pet in Qatar Airways flights during our transfer in Doha?

Baggage restrictions

You will not be able to access your pet during the journey. However, during your transfer in Doha our ground staff will make sure that
• Animals are allowed out of their kennels to walk and stretch
• Animals are observed for signs of sickness and stress
• Kennels are cleaned
• Dogs are walked
• Animals are provided a larger, more comfortable kennel during transit
• Food (if not provided by owner) is provided every 3-4 hours and only up to 2 hours before departure
• Water is changed every hour.
+ Can my pet travel in the cabin when traveling with Qatar Airways?

Special baggage

No. Animals are not permitted in the cabin of Qatar Airways flights, with the exception of falcons and service dogs travelling on specific routes.
+ Is there service dog travel in the cabin of Qatar Airlines?

Special baggage

You can take service dog, a type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people who have disabilities onboard with you free of charge only on Qatar Airways flights to or from the USA, Canade, Europe, Switzerland, Norway, and Georgia.

On all other flights, service dogs, emotional support or psychiatric service dogs may travel free of charge as checked baggage.

If you plan to travel with a service, emotional support or psychiatric service dog, you must:

• Notify Qatar Airways at least 48 hours before departure.

• Check-in for the flight at least 2 hours (3 hours for flights from the US) prior to departure.

• You must provide evidence at the time of reservation or at the time of check-in at the airport that the accompanying dog will not need to relieve itself during the flight or that you can adequately manage the dog’s waste without creating any health and sanitation issue on the flight.

• You must bring whatever absorbent or other material required for this purpose. We encourage you to prepare the dog for the flight by exercising the dog and limiting its fluid intake before the flight.

• We recommend the use of a safety harness for the dog for use during take-off, landing, or whenever the “fasten seat belt” sign is illuminated.

• If you are accompanied by an emotional support or psychiatric service dog then in addition to the above requirements, you need to provide certification from a licensed mental health professional. The certificate must be on that professional’s letterhead, signed and not older than one year from the date of the scheduled flight.

• If your service dog cannot be accommodated at your seat location then we will offer you another seat if available on the aircraft. The service dog, however, cannot be seated where it may obstruct aisle or emergency exit area or affect leg space in front of passenger sitting next to you.

For Canadian itineraries, the following requirements need to be complied with:

• Service animal needs to be properly harnessed to lead passengers with vision and/or hearing impairment.
• The service animal will be permitted to accompany passenger into the cabin, but will not be permitted to occupy a seat.
+ Is my pet on Qatar provided food and water?

Special baggage

You have to be responsible for providing enough food and water for your animal’s journey. However, if your journey includes a transit in Doha, our ground services team will care for your animal by providing food and fresh water.
+ Are there any health, breed, or age restrictions on pets in aircraft of Qatar Airline?

Special baggage

For the safety of the animal, Qatar Airways does not accept certain breeds of domestic dogs and cats that cannot maintain a normal body temperature and are therefore susceptible to an increased risk of heat stroke. These include:

• Cats: Burmese, Exotic, Himalayan, Persian
• Dogs: (mainly pure breeds of snub nosed dogs) American Saffordshire Terrier, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Brussels Griffin, Bull Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Chinese Pug, Chow Chow, English Bulldog, King Charles Spaniel, French Bulldog, Lhasa Aspro, Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Pug, Shar-Pei, Shih Tzu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Tibetan Spaniel, American Bull dog, Pitt Bull Terrier, Bulldog, and Japanese Boxer (Please note that the list is subject to changes)

Note: For the carriage of cats and dogs, we recommend that you obtain a veterinary certificate certifying that the animal does not fall in any of the above categories.

We also will not accept:
• Primates that are being carried for research purposes
• Animals younger than eight (8) weeks
• Fragile / weak animals
• Female animals with suckling young – carriage will only be permitted on the basis of a veterinary certificate stating that both mother and young are fit to travel
• Cats or dogs which are more than six (6) weeks pregnant - carriage will only be accepted if a veterinary certificate certifies that the animal is fit to travel and there is no risk of birth during the journey
• Rodents such as mice, rats, marmots, and rabbits are not allowed as excess baggage. Such animals must be transported as cargo.

For the safety and comfort of the animal, we recommend transporting your pet as cargo during the hotter months (May-October).
+ Can I travel with a pet in Qatar flights?

Special baggage

Harmless, domesticated dogs, cats, and birds can travel as excess baggage on the same flight. All other animals must be transported as cargo.

When connecting to a Qatar Airways flight from another airline, pets must travel separately as cargo and will not be accepted as excess baggage.

Transporting animals is subject to local country regulations. Please contact us for more information about transporting animals as cargo.
+ What items are not permitted in Qatar Airways hand baggage?

Baggage restrictions

Due to international regulations, and to ensure the safety of our customers, there are a number of restrictions on items that can be carried in your cabin baggage.

Items that may cause injury or represent any other security or safety threat can only be carried as checked baggage, and are not allowed in cabin baggage. These items should be appropriately packed for carriage as checked baggage, in accordance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and relevant local regulations.

Items not permitted in hand baggage include:
- Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles, including toys, antiques and replicas: Pistols, components of firearms, compressed air and CO2 guns, pellet guns, signal flares.
- Stunning devices: Stun guns, pepper spray, mace, animal repellents.
- Objects with sharp points or edges: Knives, axes, ice picks, razor blades, scissors, martial art equipment.
- Workers Tools: Crowbars, drills, screw-drivers, saws, nail guns, blowtorches.
- Blunt Instruments: Baseball bats, clubs, batons, hockey sticks.
- Explosives and incendiary devices (including replicas): Fireworks, ammunition, fuel.
- Liquids, Aerosols, Gels (LAGs) that do not meet the authorized criteria.
+ What are considered dangerous goods in aircrafts of Qatar Air?

Baggage restrictions

Dangerous goods are classified as items or substances that may pose health and safety hazards to customers. These goods are transferred according to Civil Aviation Regulations, and they are generally not allowed in either cabin baggage or checked baggage, with some exceptions.

See the table below to determine what items are classified as Dangerous Goods, what is permitted in baggage and what you need to declare at the airport.

Items not permitted in checked baggage include:
- Corrosives: Mercury, acids, alkalis and wet cell batteries. Infectious substances such as bacteria, viruses - Poison such as insecticides, weed killers, arsenic and cyanides; Radioactive Material.
- Oxidizing Materials & Organic Peroxides: Bleaches and fiber glass repair kits.
- Compressed Gases (deeply refrigerated, flammable, and non flammable and poisonous): Butane, oxygen, propane and aqualung cylinders.
- Flammable Liquids and Solids: Lighter or heavier fuels, paint and all matches.
- Explosives: Fireworks, flares, ammunition and firearms.
- Medical and toilet articles in small quantities may be carried.
- Sporting ammunition - up to 5kg may be carried properly boxed in checked baggage. Contact your local Qatar Airways office for prior approval.
- Safety matches may be carried on the person.
+ Can I bring Lithium batteries in flight of Qatar Airways?

Baggage restrictions

Transfering a Lithium battery by air depending on its configuration and either Watt-hour (Wh) rating (for rechargeable) or Lithium Content (LC) (for non rechargeable).

The terminals of all spare batteries must be protected from short-circuit; packaged them in their original retail packaging or taping over the terminals or separate plastic bags for each battery.

Spare batteries may not be placed in checked baggage.

Batteries contained in equipment such as laptop, cameras, mobile phones, etc must be switched off and measures taken to ensure that they cannot be accidentally activated when placed in checked baggage.

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