

+ How to take a watch with size 120cm x 40cm x 20cm into Vietnam?

Special orders

The watch you want to take is a special goods. It needs to wrapped carefully with easy-break icon. Airlines have no responsibility in any break or failure.
+ Will checked baggage be sent directly from Hanoi to Christchurch (transit Guangzhou 6 hrs)?

Checked baggage

If there is one airline support your flight, your baggage will be sent directly.
If there are more than one airline do, with their discussion, your baggage may be sent directly or be resent. For more information, please call AloTrip or airline office.
+ There is a mistake between real name and name on ticket. HUONG - HOONG


Because there is only 01 letter in mistake, you can fix the name on ticket with airline permission.
You should send AloTrip: booking number or reservation code, passport's photo to submit airline for support.
+ The picture (with glass) with size 80cm x 50cm x 3cm is allowed to take on airplane

Special baggage

The picture you want to take is a special goods. It needs to wrapped carefully with easy-break icon. Airlines have no responsibility in any break or failure.
+ Checked baggage will be sent directly to Venice by Aeroflot or not?

Special orders

If your flight is done by only Aeroflot, your baggage will be sent directly to Venice. Otherwise, you may check your baggage out and check them in again. Please contact to Aeroflot office for more exact information.
+ Web Check In with Vietnam Airlines does not work for Ban Me Thuot?

Web check in

Vietnam Airline only support online check-in at 3 airports: Hanoi, HCM, Danang, so you have to do check-in at check-in counter on departing day.
+ Ask for refund after schedule changed 3 times and the airplane delayed with no reason


You will get a refund if the last-change departing time later 3 hours than the first one.
+ Can I buy more checked baggage ? How much and how to do?

Checked baggage

You can buy more checked baggage with every airlines. The cost depend on airline rules, what kind of luggage, size and weight of luggage,...
You can buy more on airlines website, or at the airport when check-in.
+ Change the departing time of return flight. How much have to pay for this ?


Sure. You have to pay fee. This fee includes: changed cost of airline, changed cost of class, fee of AloTrip, ...
For the clear fee, you can send us the flight information you want to change.
+ Booking finished and was paid by credit card. Is booking successful?


After booking, you will get the e-ticket in 12 hours since the payment is successful.
You can send AloTrip your booking number to check your ticket status.

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