

+ What are services provided by Asiana Airways for passengers with visual, hearing disability?

Special orders

OZ has the following services to support passengers with visual, hearing disability:

- Guidance service from boarding process to immigration is supplied to support a convenient and safe journey.
- A visually impaired adult passenger with a guardian will be treated as the same as regular passenger.
- Visually impaired passengers traveling alone can be only transported if they are able to walk, eat, and conduct personal affairs independently, and if a guardian who can assist/support the passenger is present at the departure/arrival airport.
+ What are services provided by Asiana for passengers who need a wheelchair?

Special orders

OZ Airlines will provide a wheelchair for:
- Passengers who have difficulty in moving due to illness, injuries, or age are supported with wheelchair and golf cart (Incheon and Gimpo Airport only) as well as assistance for boarding process, departure procedure and boarding.
- Responsible staff will help the passenger to move from the boarding process counter to the gate or inside the aircraft.
- Upon arrival you will be assisted until you meet the person waiting for you at the airport.
- In principle, service should be made through reservation. Requests made at the airport on the day will be provided if conditions allow.
- Passengers with a wheelchair can use it until the gate and can hand over the wheelchair at that time. Upon arrival, the wheelchair can also be used from the gate.
- Passengers with a motorized wheelchair should report us upon reservation, as its battery will need to be removed.
+ Can passengers use wheelchair on flights of OZ Airways?

Special orders

To help passengers who have difficulty in moving in-flight to move freely, all aircraft are equipped with wheelchairs.
+ Does Asiana Airways carry pregnant passengers?

Special orders

Yes. Asiana Airlines provide caring service for pregnant travelers who need special attention so that they can enjoy a comfortable, safe trip.

- Less than 32 weeks pregnant: Pregnant passenger is able to travel by air like any other passenger as long as she has not been advised by a doctor to avoid flying.

- More than 32 weeks pregnant:
+ More than 32 weeks ~ less than 36 weeks pregnant: passenger should submit medical certificate and pledge after receiving treatment from gynecologist within 7 days of boarding.
+ More than 36 weeks pregnant (more than 32 weeks of multiple pregnancy): special attention will be required during flight and therefore the passenger must have a medical certificate, dated within 3 days of boarding to Asiana Airlines booking for clearance in advance.
+ What are benefits that pregnant passengers can get on OZ Airways?

Special orders

- Quick boarding process service
- Golf cart service
- Special gift for long trip
+ Will Asiana Airways provide services for customers requiring medical help?

Special orders

Yes. Yet, if passengers have a chronic disease or are in poor health please discuss this with your doctor before the flight and carry necessary medicine, etc. with you at all times.

- For cardiovascular system patients like myocardial infarction, angina, cardiac insufficiency, etc or passengers who have had heart surgeries
- For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, and other respiratory system diseases
- Patients who have nervous system diseases like cerebral infarction, brain tumor, etc. or who have had brain surgery
- Passengers who have recently had surgery
- Passengers currently hospitalized or who have illness that requires consistent treatment
- In case of acute tract infections or infectious diseases
- In case of uncontrollable mental illness
- Travelers pregnant for more than 36 weeks
- Infants less than 1 week old
- If oxygen, stretcher or special medical device is required during flight

For a safe, comfortable passengers Economy who require special assistance, Asiana Airlines supplies various services and medical supplies.

Asiana Airlines will supply you with the utmost service to offer anxiety-free and comfortable travel, giving professional help and necessary facilities for safe travel to passengers who need medical assistance.
+ What documents should pregnant passengers submit to ASIANA?

Special orders

Passengers who have pregnancy-related complications, risk of miscarriage or early birth, or are at a late stage of pregnancy (more than 36 weeks pregnant, more than 32 weeks of multiple pregnancy) require special attention during flight and therefore should submit a doctor's certificate when making a booking with Asiana Airlines for clearance in advance.
+ Does Asiana Airline transport new born babies?

Special orders

Yes. Since infants have unstable body temperature control and do not yet have fully developed lungs as well as other body parts, it is recommended that no infant less than 1 week old board a flight, even if he/she was born healthy. If the baby needs to travel in flight within 1 week of birth, Asiana Airlines needs to make clearance in advance for the baby's safety and the fleet's safe operation. Infants older than 1 week that board a flight can use the in-flight baby basket.
+ What documents will I have to submit to ASIANA if I am a diabetic passenger?

Special orders

If blood sugar level is well maintained with hypoglycemic agent or insulin shots and there are no complications, passengers are allowed to travel by air without restrictions. But if insulin needles need to be brought on flight for blood sugar adjustment, 2 copies of the doctor's note should be submitted to Asiana Airlines staff for airport security reasons. Please remove used needles and discard them after landing.
+ Will I allow on Asiana Airways if I travel with a medical implant?

Special orders

Passengers who have a medical implant such as an artificial pacemaker, insulin pump, spine stimulator, etc. inserted inside the body for treatment purposes are allowed to transport if their current status is stable and there is no risk of related symptoms or complications, or if they are capable of taking care of themselves in-flight. However, 2 copies of the doctor's note are required for the airport security search.

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