

+ What is checked baggage allowance in Aeroflot flights between Tokyo and Moscow?

Checked baggage

In flights between Tokyo and Moscow, Business Class can bring 03 pieces of checked baggage, while Economy Class can bring 02 pieces of checked baggage.
+ How about SU baggage allowance onchecked baggage for members of frequent flyer programs?

Checked baggage

Members of the Aeroflot-Bonus Programme and other frequent flyer programmes of the Sky Team Alliance (Platinum, Gold and Silver levels) in all flights can bring additional baggage:
- 02 pieces for Platinum members of Aeroflot-Bonus Program;
- 01 piece for Gold and Silver members of the Aeroflot-Bonus Program;
- 01piece for Platinum, Gold and Silver members of the Frequent Flyer Program of the SkyTeam Alliance
+ What about regulation of SU Airlines baggage if total weight of baggage less than 10kg?

Checked baggage

If the total weight of passenger’s baggage (including hand luggage) does not exceed 10kg on flights to all destinations, the number of pieces of baggage is not limited.
+ How about checked baggage allowance of SU Airways for passengers as children?

Checked baggage

- Children from 2 to 12 years of age are entitled to the same baggage allowance as an adult passenger.
- Lap infants up to two years of age are allowed one piece of baggage weighing less than 10 kg and the sum of three dimensions not exceeding 115 cm, regardless of the service class.
+ Is the number piece of Aeroflot baggage changed on different segment of routes?

Checked baggage

The baggage allowance will be valid for being transported over the entire route. If all flightsoperated by Aeroflot, except for joint flights exploited by other airlinesimposing their rates. If carriage is performed on flights of two or more airline carriers, including joint flights operated with other airlines, the dominant carrier rules on this route apply.
+ What is the maximum weight and size of one piece of SU checked baggage?

Checked baggage

- Business class: must be less than 32 kg in weight and the sum of the three dimensions - 158 cm
- Comfort and Economy Class:must be less than 23 kg in weight and the sum of the three dimensions - 158 cm
+ What is checked baggage allowance in SU Airline flights between Tokyo and Saint Petersburg?

Checked baggage

In flights between Tokyo and Saint Petersburg, baggage allowance is regulated as below:
- Business class: must be less than 32kg in weight, and the sum of three dimensions – 203cm.
- Economy class: must be less than 23kg in weight, and the sum of three dimensions – 203cm.
+ What is the Aeroflot hand baggage allowance for each class?

Hand baggage

Hand baggage Aeroflot is regulated depending on service class:
- Business Class – all fare groups: 01 piece, weighing less than 15kg each
- Comfort Class: 01 piece, weighing less than 10kg each
- Economy Class – Premium Group: 01 piece, weighing less than 10kg each
- Economy Class – remaining fare groups: 01 piece, weighing less than 10kg
Each of baggage does not exceed 115cm in the sum of three dimensions
+ Which items can I bring in carry-on bag on SU Airlines?

Hand baggage

According to Aeroflot baggage allowance, each passenger besides bringing hand baggage can bring the following items on board:
- Handbag/briefcase
- Folders
- Umbrella
- Walking stick/cane
- Bouquet of flower
- Outerwear
- Laptop computer, camera, video camera
- Magazines, newspapers, books
- Baby food
- Carrycot
- Suit holdall
- Cell telephone
- Crutches
- Bag with duty-free purchases
+ Is there anything not allowed in carry-on baggage Aeroflot?

Hand baggage

Yes. In flights to EU, passengers are not allowed to bring dairy and meat products in their baggage and hand luggage, except for baby food and special food products prescribed for medical reasons.

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